Wednesday, November 21, 2012

VO2 max Estimation for highly trained Men and Women

Please check out the calculator and expanations from Fritz Hagerman and other pioneerts @ Max Calculator and FAQs

Information about our 3 Energy Systems can be gleaned from:

What could/should my 2K Erg time be?

Our friends at Free Spirit can help -

for example you "PR" time for a 6K piece  could/should equate to a XYZ time for your 2K PR using the calculator @ Pace Predictor (ERG)

Thinking about Crash B preparations . . .

Concept 2 article on rowing muscle usage:

Winning Time(Raw) at NARF - 2012

The SDRC Masters' 8+ completed the NARF head course with the fastest raw time.  A slightly older LBRA crew prevailed with its age handicap.  Oh well.

Kiwi 2- poetry, power and GOLD!

Kiwis Murray and Bond destroyed this elite 2-Field in London 2012.
Exquisite style - from entry through blade exit on the square is beautiful to behold!
Crushing the Field - Murray and Bond (NZL)

Thanks, Xeno, for your learned commentary - eg. hips to hands, skeletal stretch and all!
Ho, Ho, Row.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Masters' View of Feast preparations

Saturday, November 03, 2012

A classic Fall scene - Autumn Colors over the Big HOCR Turn...

Shelby calling the race,  Andy at stroke, then Augie, Brian, Dave, Mark, Graham, Richard and Chris.